Thursday, December 17, 2009

6 Ways to Boost Your Confidence For Successful Dating

Confidence is sexy. Confidence makes you appealing and it attracts you to others. When you're interested in finding or maintaining successful dating relationships, confidence is key. Not only will it help you get the point of a relationship where it could be successful, but it gives you the ability to initialize the relationship and the confidence to maintain it. The question is, how can you boost that confidence so you can enjoy successful dating?

6 Techniques for Confidence

1- Take action. Don't sit back. Jump in. When you're in the middle of the action, even if you're not a key player, it can give you the confidence to get more involved. You can meet people and it lets them see what you're made of. Successful dating starts with a relationship. If you're not willing to start it, who will?

2- Get excited and believe you can do it. You will be amazed at how much you can accomplish just because you think you can. Think about the children's story, "The Little Engine That Could." Positive thinking isn't just for children, it's important for adults. As soon as you say you can't, you've given up. The end. Don't give up on successful dating.

3- Ask for what you want, even if you're with someone who knows you. When you have the confidence to give directions and make what you want to happen, happen, you're in a good place. Successful dating requires that ability.

4- Talk to people. It's hard, but saying a simple, "hello," can get you on the right track. Not only does it make you seem friendly, but it gets the ball rolling. If you don't say something, you'll never know what opportunities you might have missed.

5- Believe you can do the hard things. You need to have confidence in you. Think about the character, Maria, from, "The Sound of Music." She's terrified to become governess to seven children, but she has confidence in herself. And not only does she do it, but it works out pretty well for her. She tackles the kids and the captain. Successful dating needs to start with you and become a joint venture. Again, if you're not willing to start it, who will?

6- Don't worry about pleasing everyone. It's not going to happen. Be yourself and the people who like you will like you no matter what. Successful dating won't be so successful if you freak out if someone's not happy with you. Make it a point to do the right thing and not care what other people think.

Confidence can make the difference when it comes to successful dating. If you don't have confidence in yourself, no one else can - or should - have confidence in you. When you go out, you'll notice that the people who take the world by storm are the ones who have the things they want, whether that's the good job, the well-behaved children, the great relationship or the hot date. They work to get them and they believe that they can do it. And voila, it happens.

Allen Tane is an experienced writer on the successful dating relationships and matchmaking dating industry. He has been writing for quite a while and has had countless articles published. Some of Allen's most favorite topics to write on include single professionals over 30, mature professional singles, relationships, and matchmaking. Allen's articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

How to Tell If He Truly Likes You - A Girls' Guide to Dating

As women, we tend to read a lot into any situation, especially where men are concerned. We analyze relationships. We discuss them with our friends. We agonize over the least little nuance of each conversation. The funny part is that none of this is actually necessary.

In truth, men are not this great mystery. Most of the time, what you see is what you get. Look to a man's actions and you will be closer to knowing his heart and his interest than the ten hours you typically spend going over each conversation with your girlfriends.

Here are some clues that he likes you:

1) He calls the next day.

2) He calls when he says he will.

3) He calls without any real reason - just to say hi.

4) He listens to what you have to say.

5) He remembers important dates.

6) He introduces you to his best buddies.

7) He introduces you to his family.

8) He occasionally skips his usual night out with the guys to hang out with you.

9) He has seen you not at your best and still comes around.

10) He actually wants to meet your friends and family.

And here are the clues that he is a player and you are his temporary playmate:

1) He gets phone calls and has to leave the room to take them.

2) He forgets dates or shows up very late without a phone call.

3) You do not know to expect for sure that you two have a date each week.

4) He does not introduce you to his friends.

5) He tells you to stop bugging him about meeting his family.

6) He makes excuses when you try to introduce him to your friends or family.

7) He checks out other women, routinely, when he is with you.

8) He speaks only of himself and doesn't have a clue what you talked to him about.

9) If he gets last minute plans that he thinks are better he ditches you.

10) He belittles you in public and in private or finds a reason to take off when you want to talk.

11) He shows no interest in what you do, where you go or who with.

As you can see, actions speak louder than words. Guys are pretty straight forward. If they like you, you will get clear signals and if they don't you will quickly pick up on his disinterest. If the latter is the case, move on. Desperation is the least attractive feature in a woman and will only make him even less interested in you than he was before.

Start dating other people. Enjoy your own company every once in a while. If the one you left is "the one," seeing you carefree and happy with someone else just may renew his interest and if not you are still better off than being with someone who is simply using you as a place holder until something better comes along.

Caterina Christakos is a published author and a reviewer. Read her latest reviews of Anthony Cools hypnotist and other discount Vegas show tickets.

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100 Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend - Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

I very often see and hear guys looking for good questions to ask their girlfriend. There may be a lot of reasons, what is yours?

* Looking to get to know your valentine date better?
* Running out of things to talk to your sweetie about?
* First date jitters and don't know what to talk about?

Well, here are first half of 100 questions that can break the ice and get a conversation going. Check them out and then continue to my blog for the other half, agreed?

And, please, remember that the most important thing is to have fun! Although this might seem easy to sit and list all the questions before your girlfriend but she might freak out and run away from you and we wouldn't like that, would we? So make fun of it. Throw a couple of questions and talk about them, discuss the answers, enjoy the conversation.

You might be very much surprised by what you learn about the other person. People are fun and they are so different but also so alike. Finding out your new girlfriend to be like minded with you should turn your date into a celebration at the end. Be prepared!

Don't force anyone to answer a question they don't want to and don't pry deeper if they are not willing to talk about a certain subject. Good manners are a must when asking personal and intimate questions, especially if you are not too acquainted with each other.

1. What was your best job?

2. What were your worst jobs?

3. Tell me all the places you worked

4. Tell me about your best friend

5. Tell me about your family

6. Tell me about your relatives

7. What was your first car?

8. Favorite movie star?

9. Favorite entertainer?

10. Favorite song?

11. What were your life changing moments?

12. First girlfriend/boyfriend?

13. First kiss?

14. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?

15. Have you ever been arrested?

16. Political affiliation?

17. Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn't?

18. Have you used drugs?

19. Do you like to shop?

20. Best way to relax?

21. Favorite thing to do alone?

22. Ever had a one night stand?

23. Do you save money?

24. What hobbies to you spend money on?

25. If you found a $100 what would you do?

26. Do you want children/more children?

27. Are you a good parent?

28. What makes a good parent?

29. Are you romantic?

30. Ever loose a pet?

31. Dog or cat?

32. Pets growing up?

33. Sleep in the nude?

34. Favorite midnight snack?

35. Do you exercise?

36. Did you ever see your parents making love?

37. Peanut butter and what?

38. What is one food you will never give up?

39. What is a food you can live without?

40. Favorite drink?

41. Perfect day?

42. How many cds do you own?

43. How many dvds to you own?

44. Favorite thing to spend money on?

45. What is the weirdest thing about you?

46. What is on your bedside table?

47. Are you cheap or thrifty?

48. Ever been in love with 2 people at the same time?

49. Grades in high school?

50. Favorite teacher?

51. Relatives in jail?

52. Toppings on pizza?

53. Black or white?

54. Glass half full or half empty?55. Ever been to a food shelf?

56. Ever milked a cow?

57. Ever tipped a cow?

58. Bath or shower?

59. Mountains or the beach?

60. Plane, train or automobile?

61. Favorite all time movie?

62. Worse movie you have ever seen?

63. Best concert you have been to?

64. Beer, wine or coffee?

65. Best vacation?

66. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?

67. Worse vacation?

68. Three places you would love to visit?

69. Worse boss?

70. If you could do anything what would it be?

71. Super powers you wish you had?

72. Ever had a massage?

73. Ideal romantic dinner?

74. Dumbest purchase you ever made?

75. Where did you find money when you were flat broke?

76. Ever sold blood?

77. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless of price?

78. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?

79. Ever won the lottery?

80. What would you do with your lottery winnings?

81. Are you a neat freak?

82. Can't stand being around people who_________?

83. Crowds or small groups?

84. How old do you want to live to?

85. Loose your sight or hearing?

86. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?

87. Pet peeves?

88. Most annoying habit?

89. Sexiest parts of a member of the opposite sex?

90. Major turn offs?

91. Tattoos?

92. Bodypainting?

93. Piercings?

94. Plastic surgery-would you/have you?

95. Computer geek?

96. Trekee?

97. Play an instrument?

98. Been in a band?

99. Most embarrassing moment?

100. Nude beach yes or no?

Did you like this? I think this is a nice list of fun questions to ask your girlfriend. I hope the list is interesting enough and will keep you going for some time. Enjoy your conversations and have fun!

Find additional questions to ask your girlfriend on my relationship blog.

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10 Things That Men Find Sexy

Over the years I've had numerous conversations with my male friends about what they find sexy in a woman, and I've been keeping a running tab on the comments.

The list below, and its accompanying explanations, may surprise you. Remember, this is an aggregate list, presented in descending order, and derived from men with diverse personalities and backgrounds.

10. Physically attractive
This is probably not a surprise. The surprise is that it's number 10 on this list. Being physically attractive is apparently the golden ticket to enter the sexy girl's club. How is "physically attractive" defined by men? The way that you probably think. Yes, it's stereotypical; hip-to-waist ratio, girlish facial features, and symmetry (how well-proportioned a woman is). These physical qualities still reign supreme in an idealistic sense.

9. Approachable
Ironically, the more physically attractive a woman is, the less she gets approached. Many beautiful and/or successful women will agree. It's not that men prefer flawed women, they are just more comfortable approaching a woman who does not appear to be "perfect," and thus; may be more receptive to them...and their flaws.

8. Cool personality
While it's true that men grow up wanting the cheerleader/model/stripper, they also appreciate the "girl next door," who has wholesome, down-to-earth qualities. While spending time with her may feel like time spent with "one of the guys," she will always reminds us that she's a woman - and a sexy one at that.

7. Open-minded
There are several reasons why men want a woman to be open-minded. The first is that it means she will entertain different ideas and perspectives which could go a long way toward building and maintaining a relationship. It also means that she may consider a threesome - no matter how remote of a possibility.

6. Competitive
Women are competitive with each other when they are single. They need to retain that same competitive spirit while in a relationship. The type of competitiveness that men find sexy is when our women can identify another sexy woman, and best her sexiness. In other words, know what we find sexy about another woman and emulate it.

5. Confident
Being with an insecure woman is like being in a boat with a slow leak; eventually it will fill with water and sink. So will the relationships that men try to have with such women. Men find confidence sexy - especially in the bedroom.

4. Good hygiene
Sexiness is healthiness. It's also cleanliness. From clean smelling hair and breath, to every crevice of a woman's body. Extremities should be clean and edible during intimate moments, and scents should arouse and endear.

3. Orgasmic
Simply put: nothing is more intoxicating to a man than the vivid memory of his orgasmic lover during his last sexual interlude...except the interlude he's going to have with her in the next 30 minutes. Women who know how - and expect - to have orgasms during each sexual encounter are placed in our sexual hall of fame, where they can only be displaced by...a woman who is more orgasmic.

2. Strong sex drive
Considering that most men feel that women don't want sex as much as they do, it only makes sense that women who want sex would be second on this list. For a man, a woman who likes sex, is sexy. A woman who likes sex and wants it frequently, is a keeper.

1. Comfortable with her sexuality
A woman who is comfortable with her sexuality tends to be comfortable with all things sexual. She can discuss sexual desires, experiences, and needs. She has rare, sexual enthusiasm and is not concerned with her man's past lovers because she is competitive (see number 6).

In fact, she feels sexy all by herself, but she loves the sexual attention that her man gives her, and her man loves the fact that she does not have sexual hang-ups. She's comfortable making love in a bed, or having sex in a car, and she's not interested in having a philosophical discussion about the differences between the two.

She is sexy as hell, and her man loves her more because of it.

Gian Fiero is an educator, speaker and consultant who specializes in business development, career planning, and personal growth issues.

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