Rather than list out a few stop smoking tips, this article will try to lay out a plan that will make your attempt at quitting a success. Remember that everyone is different but these stop smoking tips should apply to the vast majority of readers.
1- Set A Firm Quit Date: Pick a date that is at least a week away as your quit date. Why a week? Because you need time to prepare. You also need time to psych yourself up.
2- Write down the reasons you want to stop smoking: This may sound cheesy but it is a very powerful technique. It will help cement your desires as well as help you visualize the new, smoke-free you. Read the reasons at least once a day, before going to bed.
3- Talk to Friends and family: get a support group that will help you through tough times and also hold you accountable.
4- Clean House: Spend a few days getting rid of all things related to smoking. Clean out your car, empty out the ashtray and wash it out. Get rid of the lighters (you know you have a bunch of them) that are hiding everywhere in the house, and at work. The night before your quit date, clean out the house. No ashtrays, no cigarettes, no buttcan outside in the yard.....Nothing
5- Quit: its quitting time! This is the beginning of your life without cigarettes. Hang on because it may be a bumpy ride for the next few days.
6- Exercise: Get some form of exercise each day if you can. This is paramount to your success. Nicotine was providing your body with Dopamine every few hours. Now that you no longer smoke, your body is craving it. Exercise is an excellent way to stimulate Dopamine production to satisfy this craving. This is one of the most powerful stop smoking tips that you will find.
7- Drink water: Start to eliminate the toxins that smoking put into your body. Years of smoking have polluted your organs and hampered your body functions. Flush them out ASAP.
8- Eat More: No, not junk food and candy to satisfy every craving. Without nicotine, your metabolism will drop. Make sure you have at least 5 healthy little meals throughout the day.
9- Take it one day at a time: Another of the crucial stop smoking tips. Bite sized goals are easier to achieve and provide rewards more quickly. Your craving and withdrawal symptoms will peak at around 72 hours. After that, they should start to diminish. Keep in mind that all you have to do is outlast each craving. The good news is that a craving lasts around 5 minutes.
10- Remember that note you wrote in step 2? read it again, and again. Keep focused on your original reasons for wanting to quit. They were important to you then, and they are still important to you now.
These stop smoking tips are effective if they are followed closely. Having said that, your success will depend in great part on the severity of your addiction and on your level of commitment. Get ready for a tough fight and you will win out in the end. After all, thousands have successfully quit smoking using these very same stop smoking tips. Good luck
At last! an easier way to quit smoking http://www.quit-smoking-2day.com
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
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