Friday, December 11, 2009

How to Tell If He Truly Likes You - A Girls' Guide to Dating

As women, we tend to read a lot into any situation, especially where men are concerned. We analyze relationships. We discuss them with our friends. We agonize over the least little nuance of each conversation. The funny part is that none of this is actually necessary.

In truth, men are not this great mystery. Most of the time, what you see is what you get. Look to a man's actions and you will be closer to knowing his heart and his interest than the ten hours you typically spend going over each conversation with your girlfriends.

Here are some clues that he likes you:

1) He calls the next day.

2) He calls when he says he will.

3) He calls without any real reason - just to say hi.

4) He listens to what you have to say.

5) He remembers important dates.

6) He introduces you to his best buddies.

7) He introduces you to his family.

8) He occasionally skips his usual night out with the guys to hang out with you.

9) He has seen you not at your best and still comes around.

10) He actually wants to meet your friends and family.

And here are the clues that he is a player and you are his temporary playmate:

1) He gets phone calls and has to leave the room to take them.

2) He forgets dates or shows up very late without a phone call.

3) You do not know to expect for sure that you two have a date each week.

4) He does not introduce you to his friends.

5) He tells you to stop bugging him about meeting his family.

6) He makes excuses when you try to introduce him to your friends or family.

7) He checks out other women, routinely, when he is with you.

8) He speaks only of himself and doesn't have a clue what you talked to him about.

9) If he gets last minute plans that he thinks are better he ditches you.

10) He belittles you in public and in private or finds a reason to take off when you want to talk.

11) He shows no interest in what you do, where you go or who with.

As you can see, actions speak louder than words. Guys are pretty straight forward. If they like you, you will get clear signals and if they don't you will quickly pick up on his disinterest. If the latter is the case, move on. Desperation is the least attractive feature in a woman and will only make him even less interested in you than he was before.

Start dating other people. Enjoy your own company every once in a while. If the one you left is "the one," seeing you carefree and happy with someone else just may renew his interest and if not you are still better off than being with someone who is simply using you as a place holder until something better comes along.

Caterina Christakos is a published author and a reviewer. Read her latest reviews of Anthony Cools hypnotist and other discount Vegas show tickets.

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